If you are interested in finding out more about joining our team as a volunteer staff member, please email us with any questions and let us know areas in which you would like to assist.
If you have questions about volunteering as at-event crew, please contact our volunteer coordinator.
We are recruiting additional volunteer staff (who are involved in planning the event), promotional help (spreading the word online and in person), and at-event volunteer crew (during the event and the day before if available).
At-event crew applications for the 2024 Holiday Hero Market are currently OPEN.Please submit your application here.
At-event crew applications for the annual convention are currently CLOSED.
In-person assignments include:
- Registration desk
- Crowd control/badge checking
- Setup and dismantle assistance
- Craft/gaming activities assistance
- Dealer assistance
- Programming and A/V assistance
- In-person promotion at various events (you can also email us about this)
- Distribution of flyers and posters
Volunteer Perks
- You will be provided a button and a ribbon to identify you to attendees from a distance, in addition to a crew badge.
- Volunteers who complete a minimum 9 hours of help for the Pretty Heroes Convention at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre receive free weekend admission to the event. If you wish to only assist for a single day, 5 hours is required for a free Saturday and 4 hours is required for a free Sunday.
- We provide water, snacks, and meals for crew while on shift.
- We sign high school community service papers. Please confirm in advance that your school will accept volunteering at this event as part of your community service hours.
- You can receive a reference letter after the event on request. Please submit your request within 90 days of the event ending to ensure that our team members can give you a more personalized letter.
- Volunteers who contribute extra time will be eligible for more perks (to be determined, budget permitting).
Our Expectations
In-person crew must be available for a minimum 4 hour shift on an event date (Saturday/Sunday). Optional shifts will be available for the Friday before the event opens to the public (Setup Day).
All in-person volunteers are required to pay a cash deposit (preferred) or pre-register. Your money will be returned if your scheduled time is completed appropriately.
Walkthrough/orientation is required for new in-person volunteers and recommended for returning crew who would like a refresher. If you have difficulty attending an in-person walkthrough/orientation, please discuss alternate options with our volunteer coordinator via email. All reasonable requests will be considered. If you have already completed a walkthrough and are returning, you can opt out of the walkthrough but you will need to have a refresher orientation with the volunteer coordinator to ensure you are clear on rules and expectations (this can be completed virtually).
Volunteers are expected to wear clean clothing that has no rips or tears. Shirts should have sleeves. Bottoms should provide full coverage of the rear end. You may optionally wear a cosplay that complies with the attendee dress code that won’t interfere with your duties.
Please bring sunscreen for your own protection if you expect any of your duties to require being outdoors.
Online assignments available include:
- Social media assistance – formatting images in a provided template, writing posts, scheduling/publishing posts, moderating comments, responding to messages
- Website updates – updating text content on certain pages (training provided)
- Moderating interactive chats during live video sessions
- Moderating our Discord server
- Promoting events on social media with provided images and text (primarily sharing to online groups)
- Various administrative tasks – including responding to basic email inquiries, formatting room schedules
- Programming coordination – confirming submission details, corresponding with panelists, itemizing eligible discounts, copyediting for panel titles and descriptions, relaying A/V requirements to the A/V manager, assist with building the overall schedule/program
Online assistance may not be eligible for free admission credit, it depends on the level of contribution. Email us if you are interested in online only positions.
Sign up for our mailing list to be notified of future volunteer opportunities.
If you have previously volunteered with us, you are automatically added to our notification email list where we email you a link to the signup form.
Although we send you limited emails, you can unsubscribe at any time if you are not current crew. Important notices may be sent via newsletter to accepted volunteers, please do not unsubscribe if you are a current volunteer as you could miss important information.